Wednesday, October 15, 2008
الجرح جرحى و المأساة مأساتى

يقولون ينقصنى الرضا
و أنى أبكى كثير على ما مضى
و لكن هذا أنا و هذه حياتى
و الجرح جرحى و المأساة مأساتى
الناس تفرح و تحزن و تحتفل
و غيوم الكئابة على حياتى تنسدل
لا أرى فرح و لا أتذكره فى ذكرياتى
و الجرح جرحى و المأساة مأساتى
أتظننى أهوى أن أحيى فى حزنى
أقسم أنى أسعد بأقل ما يمنحه قدرى
و أضحك خادعة نفسى و لا أقوى النظر فى مرأتى
فالجرح جرحى و المأساة مأساتى
ولا تتحدث كأنك تعرفنى
لا تنتقدنى و لا تنصحنى
و لا تقلل من شأن أهاتى
فالجرح جرحى و المأساة مأساتى
Thursday, September 18, 2008
أسد جريح

أسد جريح ... ينازع و قد فقد كل شئ يملكه
لم يعد عنده سوى ألامه و جرحا عميق يلعقه
قابع فى الظلال فى أحد أركان الغابة
تلك التى كانت يتبختر فى أدغالها التى تهابه
الان جالس و قد أكل الغضب بداخلك ما كنت
جالس تفكر "يا ليتنى قبل أن أهزم و أذل مت
مللت أن تحاول النهوض و البدء من جديد
تخشى أن تفعل ما كنت تحب و تجيد
أتسائل هل تخشى الفشل أم تخشى الامل أكثر؟
هل تخشى ذكرى عرشك الذى ضاع و تبخر
يغزوك الشك ... هل كنت أسدا مجنح أم أنك تخيلت
هل طرت يوما حقا...أم أنك كنت تحاول و سقطت
جالس تراقب الجوارح التى تنتظر سقطتك الاخيرة
حتى تلتهمك و هى تفكر بالقلب تبدء أم بالجناحين فى حيرة
أهذه نهاية تليق بمن رأى يوما بهاء النصر
أن يأكل نصف حى بلا عزة و لا كرامة أو حتى قبر
أنه لاكرم أن تلقى بنفسك من أعلى منحدر الحياة و تهاجم
على أن تستسلم لينهشك يأسك و تنتهى مكسور نادم
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
more than a friend

i have been asking myself
if u weren't there,
how was gonna be my life
who would ever care,
u have been there for me
even if i'm foaraway,
and every thing not as it should be
u always save the day,
somtimes i'm so hard to understand
somtimes i lose it all,
but i know u are more than friend
that u won't let me fall,
i want to tell u that i'm sorry
for every thing i done,
and that what realy make me worry
to find that u have gone,
so i raise my hand and for god i pray
to be always together,
to lose u is more than i can ever pay
to lose things i'll never gather.
Friday, August 29, 2008
kung fu panda's most magnifisant phrase
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
قلم به حبر
Monday, March 31, 2008
the girl in the merrior

everyday in the mornining i used to see a girl
she used to smile to me and i smile to her
i noticed in her eyes,sadness every time
but i never stop to ask,never had the time
i used to conveince my self that it's better to ignore
i gave my self right resoenes to do wrong things more & more
until i saw her crying,saw her tears one day
i thought i had to ask,there is no other way
i asked "what's wrong?"hoping she would say
"nothing" so i would go , but she had anther replay
she was so open to me,and she even share
a lot of her sad momments,i felt her dispare
i found my self want to tell her "stop"
but the look of her eyes blocked my mind up
i knew i couldn't help her & that fell me with horrior
i desided to avoid seeing her,so i avoid looking in any merrior
Monday, March 17, 2008
an ordinary story

I want to tell u an ordinary story
About a girl who was extraordinary
Her name was the merciful "Abeer"
And she had gone from almost a year
Her name was the merciful "Abeer"
And she had gone from almost a year
She was my sister and faithful friend
She knew no evil...had never pretend
She was the beauty of truth when it reveal
She was so great...too perfect to be real
It seemed back then as if i was her support
But actualy she was my life resort
I needed no one when she was beside
I didn't fear loneliness or being left behind
I promiss u my angel... my high bright moon
Until we reunion... part of me will always feel alone
Dedicated to "Abeer" in the memory of passing a year on her daparture
Dedicated to "Abeer" in the memory of passing a year on her daparture
Saturday, February 9, 2008
what is life?

life is who we met...life is what we did
the love that we own...and the love we missed
the dreams that died...and those that lived
life is a maze...that has no end
life is respecting border...and being free
it's what you are...and what u wanna be
facing the danger...and still keep safe and ok
life is the myth ... is the unsolved mistery
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