everyday in the mornining i used to see a girl
she used to smile to me and i smile to her
i noticed in her eyes,sadness every time
but i never stop to ask,never had the time
i used to conveince my self that it's better to ignore
i gave my self right resoenes to do wrong things more & more
until i saw her crying,saw her tears one day
i thought i had to ask,there is no other way
i asked "what's wrong?"hoping she would say
"nothing" so i would go , but she had anther replay
she was so open to me,and she even share
a lot of her sad momments,i felt her dispare
i found my self want to tell her "stop"
but the look of her eyes blocked my mind up
i knew i couldn't help her & that fell me with horrior
i desided to avoid seeing her,so i avoid looking in any merrior