Standing on my dark side grave
Happy that my dark thoughts rest here in peace
Calculating what I took and gave
Seeing that I never been unfair at the human race
Knowing that I was brave
Fought my battles in nobility and grace
Trying to be perfect, that's how I behave
Facing life with the true me not with a million face
Standing on my dark side grave alone
Reading what was wrote on the tomb stone
"Here rest in peace…who once was known"
"As the queen of evil…the disaster of every dawn"
Suddenly the earth shake and I heard a sad tone
A great ghost arise from the grave as those in toons
Standing on my dark side grave with confused brain
The ghost replay…I'm Ur dark side…return to ease Ur pain
The world has been cruel to u…I'm here for revenge…that's why I came
I know how to hurt…how to burn…I know rules of this game
I know how to deal with goodbyes…how to detect the ones who clams
That u r there friend…laying in every horizon and plan
I said…I don't need Ur help…in fact don't want to see u again
Standing on my dark side grave can't believe what I see
My dark side is here standing in front of me
Saying…u can't get ride of me…you will never be free
I'm a part of u…whether u liked or not…that's how it'll always be
I'll go now…leaving u sinking in Ur moral sea
But when u hit its bottom I'll be back…even if u don't agree
Goodbye…then the ghost disappeared releasing a scream
The sound made me fall off my bed…oh my god…it was a dream!!!
Happy that my dark thoughts rest here in peace
Calculating what I took and gave
Seeing that I never been unfair at the human race
Knowing that I was brave
Fought my battles in nobility and grace
Trying to be perfect, that's how I behave
Facing life with the true me not with a million face
Standing on my dark side grave alone
Reading what was wrote on the tomb stone
"Here rest in peace…who once was known"
"As the queen of evil…the disaster of every dawn"
Suddenly the earth shake and I heard a sad tone
A great ghost arise from the grave as those in toons
Standing on my dark side grave with confused brain
The ghost replay…I'm Ur dark side…return to ease Ur pain
The world has been cruel to u…I'm here for revenge…that's why I came
I know how to hurt…how to burn…I know rules of this game
I know how to deal with goodbyes…how to detect the ones who clams
That u r there friend…laying in every horizon and plan
I said…I don't need Ur help…in fact don't want to see u again
Standing on my dark side grave can't believe what I see
My dark side is here standing in front of me
Saying…u can't get ride of me…you will never be free
I'm a part of u…whether u liked or not…that's how it'll always be
I'll go now…leaving u sinking in Ur moral sea
But when u hit its bottom I'll be back…even if u don't agree
Goodbye…then the ghost disappeared releasing a scream
The sound made me fall off my bed…oh my god…it was a dream!!!
u must be kidding and defintaly that shuold be nothing but a dream..coz an angle like u can't have a drak side..u r and will alwayes be my sweet pure angle..
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