When do we stop missing someone?
When we cant recall how it felt to be with that person , also we still love that person … and the memories is unforgettable … but the feelings that accompany that feelings fad away.
When do we start to feel happy?
When we recognize that happiness is not a stop we reach it's the journey it self … we don't have to search a way to be happy as happiness is the way it self.
When do we understand life?
When we do understand that life is about something bigger than achieve a victory for our self … it's also about helping others to wine even if we had to slow down , turn around, stop and go back for them changing our own course.
When we do stop being selfish?
When we believe that, a candle loses nothing, when it lighten anther candle.
When do we stop fear the unknown?
When we do stop fearing the darkness, when we are in the light … and stop fearing the light, when we are in the darkness.
When do we stop being confused?
When we know the difference between light and darkness … and what do each stand for.
When we cant recall how it felt to be with that person , also we still love that person … and the memories is unforgettable … but the feelings that accompany that feelings fad away.
When do we start to feel happy?
When we recognize that happiness is not a stop we reach it's the journey it self … we don't have to search a way to be happy as happiness is the way it self.
When do we understand life?
When we do understand that life is about something bigger than achieve a victory for our self … it's also about helping others to wine even if we had to slow down , turn around, stop and go back for them changing our own course.
When we do stop being selfish?
When we believe that, a candle loses nothing, when it lighten anther candle.
When do we stop fear the unknown?
When we do stop fearing the darkness, when we are in the light … and stop fearing the light, when we are in the darkness.
When do we stop being confused?
When we know the difference between light and darkness … and what do each stand for.
first..thank u 4 visiting my blog
u r so sweet,ur words 2
u have all right ,and i agree.
i wanna 2 say something more when we understand that happiness dosent mean one only,and if we wait 4 that one.....he will never give it 2 us
happiness isn't somthing to be given to u by anther person ... happiness is somthing only u can feel if u want.
thx for visiting my blog and lighten it by ur nice comment (sa7arkash)
ايه الكلام الجامد ده
والاحاسيس الجميله دي
بجد بوست حلو أوي
wal klam da yeegy eih ganb blogek el gamed moot ya ousha ... :)
I hope u remember me
you visited my blog, and I was about to give up, your msg was one of the reasons, I came be to write in my blog.
thank you very much
you were a great help.
if there is any reason to make me happy in those tuff days ... it's ur massage now ... so gald u changed ur mind ... and allow me to but ur so talented blog on my best blogs list now :)
When do we understand life?
that will happen when we stop all what you mentioned
best wishes
the aline...
ur words may be right as i had said before in a previous post ... to find what u have lost stop searching ....
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