why do ppl stop listening to each other ?
stop caring for everything that really matter
can u tell me how do u feel for ppl u r meeting?
can u tell me if ur heart even still beating ?!
we live our lives searching and seeking
never beware for the different language we r speaking
humanity...is the word we had missed
misunderstanding is what we can do the best
every word become in need to be interpret
searching for whatever we can figure and get
in a world with every thing become different
being cruel become from our glory moment
the word "love" become our major illusion
"friendship" cause a termandes confusion
saying "sorry" means you are very weak
and forgiving someone makes you a freak
but still i can see hope ... in every heart break
if we stand as one protecting what once has been unique
wooow i have no word to tell u wht i felt when read this poems
but that ur way usually.
great words from great girl :)
GOD with u
thx ya don ... rabna y7'leeky ... u have been always by my side ... and it's u who deserve to be called a great girl :D
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