Monday, November 19, 2007

مش بترضى تضحك لى

عايش فيكى يا دنيا مجروح

ماشى بالف سكين فى قلبى

بفرفر زى طير بلا جناح مدبوح

و بضحك فى وش كل الدبحنى

اصلى بخاف مضحكش قلبى يبوح

و دمعى يسيل قدامهم و يفضحنى

و لسه بضحك للدنيا يمكن الجرح يروح

بتبتسم لى شوية بس مش بترضى تضحك لى

Sunday, November 11, 2007

my hero's song

if a friend become weak, u have to be strong

take his hand and righten what has been wrong

side by side my friend, that's where we belong

watching each other backs, for our days along

if u r with me, if u do agree, the sing with me my hero's song

never be mad on a friend, when he is angry

and know that forgiveness is what u deprive Ur enemy

i own Ur secret box and u own the one of me

being loyal to the end, is how friendship meant to be

when I'm prisoner of fear and dispare, i expect only u set me free

side by side my friend that's where we belong

if u r with me, if u do agree, then sing my hero's song

Saturday, November 3, 2007


اخرج من صمتى لاتكلم
انى سأخسرك
اغوص فى صمتى و اتألم
كيف لا اجرحك
ابحث عن شتاتى و الملم
و اصمم
قلبى لن يهجرك
احن الى قلبك فأدندن
و اتمتم
سأموت قبل ان اكرهك